Agriculture, fisheries and forestry (soil enrichment, plant nutrition, plant protection)
Calcium, an essential element in the nutrition of cultivated plants, will be found in the soil in irreplaceable form in various minerals such as calcium carbonate, calcite, dolomite, calcium phosphates, apatites, silicates. These forms of calcium are inaccessible only after decomposition and dissolution can be adopted by plants.
Due to the way the land is used and calcium is not applied in sufficient quantities by fertilizer, it often results in its complete loss from the soil layer, which results in an increase in acidity (decrease in pH value) of the soil, thus destroying the complex soil complex, washing out other nutrients, damaging the structure. land and of course its lack as a biogenic element for cultivated plants. Calcium from the soil is related to the yield of cultivated plants, and the very transition to an accessible form is practically unprotected from leaching and most of our soil, up to almost calcium-rich, is left without it in the till. The only measure of repairing or neutralizing such lands is calcification.
DUCAZEL ensures a stable and constant supply of plants with nutrients over a long period of time. Zeolite prevents nutrients from leaking out of the root zone and draining them into deeper layers of soil over groundwater and above groundwater.
Physico-mechanical properties of zeolites:
• increases the ability to absorb and retain water in the soil
• increases the ability to retain nutrients in the soil
• regulates soil acidity, Ph- value
• improves plant nutrition, develops root system, intensifies growth and fertility
• reduces plant diseases
• contains the necessary elements for development: magnesium, potassium and calcium
• affects the land as a land recruiter
• is an effective tool in land reclamation
The positive effects of the effective and widespread use of ZEOLITE in agriculture relate to the ability to adsorb moisture and nutrients very well, thereby increasing the yield and quality of the crop, regulating soil moisture both in dry periods and in excessive the presence of water. By introducing zeolites into the soil, we get a good hunter and keeper of moisture as well as a storehouse of macro and micro nutrients needed for plant development. Zeolite has a good effect on plant roots at low temperatures, freezing point is -20 ℃.
Fine powder obtained by grinding natural calcium carbonate well known by its high chemical purity.
► particle distribution - d50% (23 - 32 μm)
► particle distribution - d98% (95 - 145 μm)

Ducalcit 30 - technical data sheet
Due to the outstanding natural quality, origin and production process of zeolites, Ducazel has an expanded range of adsorption characteristics. This makes it an effective adsorbent of mycotoxins of various physicochemical properties (from weakly polar to strongly polar, from hydrophilic to hydrophobic). At the same time it is very selective so that it does not adsorb nutrients (vitamins, oligoelements and amino acids).